Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Everyone knows about twitter, some get hooked on it and others pay it no mind.
When i was in London i stopped using twitter, mainly because i didnt have my iPhone. After awhile i actually got used to not logging on every 30 minutes to see what was going on. Now that im back twitter has been taking over and frankly im not cool with that. At first i started going on to say random things, since my mind is always spinning and then i got hooked on gaining followers. For a couple days my followers shot up and i got with this group called #teamfollowback which is people follow you and you follow back; easy! afterwards you promote and stuff. It was cool but people take these things too serious. They have like presidents and vp and offices and meetings. I MEAN ITS TWITTER you probably will never see this person in real life. Most of the people are fake and dont act like they true selves on twitter anyway. The twitter phenomenon is coming to an end with me. Im going to cut out and only use it when im bored or just to randomly tweet things like i used too. Im off all that followback and promoting stuff.

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