After the tower bridge we tried to go out to this place called zoo bar. Its 10 pounds if your not on the guestlist and after 10 and if your on the guestlist its free. Heres the trick i was on the guestlist and i put my roomates as well but they dont want a higher guy ratio or a group of guys. There was a 4 to 2 guy girl ratio and we were meeting a couple girls there. Anyway we got there after 10 and we didnt want to pay so we didnt go.
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During the process of me going to zoo bar i asked someone where it was got directions and continued on with my roomates and friends. A BLACK COP decides to stop us and asks my roomates are they ok because he thought i was trying to rip them off and sell them tickets to a club and take they money. Does he not see that im American and that i was with them. I swear this pissed me off like your going to suspect me cuz i was the only black guy. Fuck off!
Anyway after not going to zoo bar a few of us decided to go to this haunted house attraction acting on impulse and i swear it scared the shit out of me but i loved it. I like horror and scary stuff its up my alley. Damn that sounded like i was weird fuck it. Afterwards still acting on impulse we test drove the casino which we all lost but not that much lol Then we ended at moose which is a nightclub near where i live. It has a small dance floor but i actually like the DJ he played hip-hop R&B music that I ACTUALLY LISTEN TO!
overall a good night besides the bullshit ass cop.
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